Time For Change


Episode Summary

In this episode, I speak with Laura Gates, an executive coach and trusted advisor to top tech companies. Laura Gates is a sought-after executive coach, team facilitator, and trusted advisor to executives at Silicon Valley’s top tech companies. She has worked with Google, Linkedin, NASA, NAVAIR, AT&T, and with many other corporations. Laura is passionate about leading with purpose and harnessing our collective genius to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. She started her career as a Wall Street banker at Citibank and has successfully built two companies of her own. I talk to Laura about managing her own newly created situation as a coach that works remotely with her clients, and how she had adjusted to the new normal. I also talk to Laura about connection vs. boundaries in business relationships in remote work settings in comparison to face to face work settings. I loved our conversation on cutting through the social norms and being truly authentic while working with clients remotely.

Episode Notes

Highlights of the show include:

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